Amber Creative Team


What is the Amber Creative Team ?

The Amber Creative Team is a group of people who contribute their creative talents to the project, helping out in a number of different ways including;

  • Designing and producing costumes for pantomime.
  • Script writing.
  • Musical direction.
  • Choreography.
  • Helping at the Theatre Workshops.
  • Running activities at the Friday Evening Workshops.
  • Helping to keep this website current and up to date.

Who are we?


Ange-for-web-site Ange likes arts and crafts and making things. She is very practical and helps to organise events.  Ange's main role is Stage Manager at pantomime. She also occasionally helps at Friday Evening Workshops.


harryact web copy Harry enjoys being creative and all things theatre. In their spare time they like to watch films and tv, keep active, play music and hang out with all their animal friends. Harry enjoys performing and helps at both theatre and music workshops.






Louiseweb-site Louise  is very creative and her hobbies include tie-dyeing, knitting, sewing and papier mache.




Sarah for website Sarah enjoys theatre and singing. In her spare time she likes to spend time with her family and close friends. She helps out with Wednesday workshops supporting  young people who are less confident.


ambvickym Vicky enjoys crafts and gardening. She helps with costumes at panto time and is brilliant at sourcing and creating props. She is also our website and poster guru!

What are our responsibilities?

  • To contribute our talents.
  • To be reliable.
  • To be friendly and welcoming.
  • To be understanding.
  • To be a positive role model.
  • To share any concerns with workers.
  • To be self-aware and to take responsibility for our actions.
  • To be aware of confidentiality.
  • To be open-minded
  • To develop good communication and listening skills
  • To be adaptable
  • To work as a team
  • To be aware of the ACT guidelines for social media

What are not our responsibilities?

  • To meet the emotional needs of group members.
  • To always say 'yes'.
  • To be the leader.
  • To challenge group members.
  • To be responsible for other people.
  • To 'rescue' other people.
  • To provide transport for young people

Social Media Guidelines

Members of ACT must not interact on social media with the young people accessing the project except in the following circumstances:

  • In a group where a member of staff is also in the group.
  • The young person is over 18 and was a contact before the ACT member joined ACT.