The Amber Project provides help and support to young people (14-25) who have experience of self harm. With the Constellation element of the project (which works with young people who are trans, non-binary or exploring their gender identity) working with young people 12-25.
We can offer you help in a number of different ways including counselling, Friday evening workshops, theatre workshops, music and singing groups and informal support.
What happens next?
When you first contact us, we will arrange an informal initial meeting these usually take place at our offices in Charles Street) this meeting gives us the opportunity to tell you about the Amber Project over a cuppa and gives you a chance to start to get to know us.
We understand that first meetings can be very scary so we try our best to make you feel welcome and comfortable.
If you decide you would like to access the Project, then together we can decide which part of Amber would be the most useful for you.
Want to know more?